Monday, September 29, 2008

3 billion or so years ago, far off in space there was a Big Bang which produced the first three Awesomements - Bacon (Bn), Ninja (N) and Batman (Bt) - from which sprang all awesome as we know it today. Remarkable.

Starlings on Otmoor

Maybe you've seen some impressive particle simulations in computer graphics or the movies? Yeah, me too. But this is pretty amazing. Starlings on Otmoor -

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Root of all evil?

Root of all Evil? is a two part BBC documentary hosted by Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion. This documentary is not likely to change the mind of a true believer but it should convince an agnostic that the acceptance of religion is not without very real negative effects.

Green Jobs Now! We're ready.

Remixed debates

Last friday I went to see friend SoSo Limited ( perform their live remix of the first presidential debate. It was at the Boston ICA to a packed liberal house. It was as much fun as a television centered talking head debate could be. The crew from SoSo messes around with the closed caption feed to show statistics about word use in real time. Awesome stuff. They will be in NYC at the Art Directors Club for the 2nd debate and in Washington DC for the final debate. Check it out if you're in either area. More info here->