Max Wallack, a 12-year-old inventor from Natick, MA, stole the show at Design Squad’s Trash to Treasure contest with his “Home Dome.” The contest asked kids to repurpose trash into practical inventions.
Max was here at the Continuum studio last week where we helped him to turn his "Home Dome" concept into a functional prototype in our model shop.
At the end of the day, I had a chance to meet the young inventor so of course I asked him if he had anything in mind for his next invention.
He replied "Yes, but I can't tell you about it."
Oh well, I tried.
He's a super smart and motivated young man, and I hope he continues to inspire people of all ages to embrace the power of design for all things positive.
As for the "Home Dome" - it's quite warm and comfortable - and dare I say mod. With a bit more refinement, I could easily imagine them practically employed as inexpensive, semi-permanent shelters.
See the PBS Design Squad video clip here: