First time in a while (perhaps ever?) that we've sold out a show, and I have never seen All Asia sold out. The waning moon obviously exerted its gravitational pull on a disproportionate number of Miller High Life-craving fans.
Our friend Pardis and her rock crew, Thousand Days, set the stage on fire with the most blistering set I've seen them perform yet. The night also featured the compellingly eclectic acoustic stylings of Glenn Michael and the Janis-like swagger of The Wrong Noises. As always, All Asia's infallible proprietor, Marc Schulman, up'ed the ante- this time by installing a permanent giant screen video projection system that can remotely switch between 6 different views of the room and the band, all from the comfort of a bar stool. Take that, FOX News. You are no longer the focal point.
setlist, for the die-hard groupies:
- move right move left
- other hip hop
- george washington
- tambourine man
- yer so confident
- mack truck
- it's really working
- don't cost nuthin'
- disco 3000
- bizarre love triangle (new order)
- makeout song
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