That's the number of trees per day that we should be able to plant, theoretically, if we follow the example set by the Republic of Macedonia (population: 2 million) on Wednesday.
Thousands of Macedonians took to the hills on November 19, 2008 to plant 6 million trees in a single day! Imagine the possibilities if we were to organize similar efforts in our own communities.
This story is inspiring on so many levels, but in particular, I think it demonstrates the tremendous potential of collective action around a positive cause.
For folks in the Boston area, I'd like to point you toward one of my favorite local tree promoting (and urban renewal) organizations, Eagle Eye Institute. Based in Somerville, Massachusetts, Eagle Eye works to transform the lives of underserverd urban youth in Boston and the New England area through innovative environmental education programs, particularly around trees.
Check them out. They are always looking for volunteers, and I can testify that they do great work.
* I've based my ~20 billion tree estimate on the current global population at the time of this writing. I have defined "we" as all of us.
L ’ empreinte Jo V
11 hours ago
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