2 articles worth reading if you like to think about war and the future of humanity.
General Gavin on why the future of regional stabilization and national security is not war or military might but it is the creation of a stable middle class in developing countries. It is sad to know he gave this advice decades ago and was totally ignored. It's worth considering the other forces involved and how to better craft messages so they actually result in policy change.
Of course, we must mention War is a racket by Smedley Butler. This is another great example of a writing that should of had a greater impact but somehow missed the general public and the powers at be were able to continue at speed after a lull. It is interesting to consider this article as well and its failure to actually deliver the message it contains so clearly to some of us.
How do you craft the next message? That we are looking forward to. Perhaps our man Barack or the next one will make it happen.
Deaf passenger meets a deaf driver
[image: Deaf passenger meets a deaf driver] submitted by /u/well-ok-I-am-in to
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